The rapid change in the business environment is fuelled by political, economic, social, cultural and technological changes. Managements, of start-ups and mature organizations, need to recognize, adapt and change.


Management audits play a pivotal role in assisting the leadership to strengthen its processes. Our evolved methodologies not only provide qualitative assessments of risk that highlight fundamental causes of performance gaps, they also provide authentic and relevant solutions to prevent repeats. Our early warning reporting provides indicators of a probable fraud and accounting irregularities. All this helps to improve the profit earning-capacity of our clients.



Time is the scarcest resource in any company today and the price of misused executive time is very high. The impact of always-on communications, the growing complexity of global organizations, and the pressures imposed by profound economic uncertainty have all added to a feeling among executives that there are simply not enough hours in the day to get things done.


Our focus at N. A. Shah Associates has been to deep dive into our client’s business to understand what is a catalyst & what is being the obstacle to growth. Our customised special reviews / services are specifically designed to help free management’s time, for them to focus on their core competencies. Our single approach has been to help management gain confidence in its support systems.