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Technical Knowledge Manager

Job Information


Member should have thorough understanding of Auditing standards, IGAAP, Ind AS, Company Law, LLP, LODR, RBI_NBFC and Allied laws.

Income Tax audit and Trust Audit is also part of the audit and assurance. Accordingly, the member should have the basic understanding of these laws. 

Job Description

With the broad objective as defined above, the role would involve the following activities

  1. Tracking and sharing the developments in the land scape of audit and assurance  []
  2. Collate and maintain the tracker sheet for views taken by the operating team for the common areas [not specific to a client]
  3. Overview of the monthly technical Bulletin before releasing
  4. Calendarizing internal training sessions for the audit team
  5. Sending alerts to audit team [e.g. common errors or inconsistency observed in certificate issued / quarterly results / annual financial statements, changes in checklist, audit procedure / best practices to be followed, etc.]
  6. Resolving technical queries of team members
  7. Research on matters related to audit domain
  8. Support in preparing presentation on technical topic
  9. Support in drafting the opinion issued by the audit team
  10. Updating the existing compliance checklist [related to areas of financial, IGAAP, Ind AS, Schedule III, LLP, Company Law, LODR, RBI_NBFC]
  11. Preparation for renewal of peer review
  12. Independent review of files of listed audit clients
  13. Quality review of financial statements of listed entities
  14. Enabler to score high in AQMM


CA with 5 years + experience in Audit & Assurance services.


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